South Cameroon is a territory with borders to the west and northwest with Nigeria, to the east with the Republic of Cameroon and to the south with the Atlantic Ocean. South Cameroon’s population is approximately 6 million. The communities in the coastal regions depend on agriculture, fishing and hunting. The soil in this zone is fertile and there are abundant woods.
Since the country adopted the name Republic of Cameroon in 1972, the South Cameroonians lost their autonomous status and became one of the seven provinces of a united state. This provoked the rise of liberation movements, like the Ambazonias of Fon Gorgi Dinka and the Cameroon Anglophone Movement. These organisations met and signed various declarations, among them the one with Buea and with Bamenda. These proclamations led to the formation of the South Cameroon National Council (SCNC), a political organisation that, since that period, fights for South Cameroon’s sovereignty and independence.

The objective of the SCNC is to restore the dignity and natural rights of the South Cameroonians, as legitimate owners and administrators of the South Cameroon territory, so that this country can join the community of sovereign nations. Currently, South Cameroon is a colony of the Republic of Cameroon, even in a period when it is erroneously felt that all trace of colonialism has ended. Experts feel that the United Nations haven’t listened to the South Cameroonians’ claims and have denied them international support.
Despite the obstacles in South Cameroon’s road to becoming established as a sovereign nation, like the arrests, torture and assassinations that have sent thousands of people in exile, the cause of South Cameroon has achieved some important triumphs in the international arena. For example, they were able to win a case against the Republic of Cameroon in the African Commission of Human Rights, in Bajul and won a demand against Nigeria, so that this country had to increase its support toward South Cameroon’s independence in the international community.