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No hay Acuerdo del Siglo

No hay Acuerdo del Siglo

El supuesto “Acuerdo del Siglo” presentado por el presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump como solución al prolongado conflicto entre Israel y Palestina en realidad es una estafa y ha sido ampliamente rechazado por la comunidad i… Read more
There is no Agreement of the Century

There is no Agreement of the Century

The supposed “Agreement of the Century” presented by the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, as a solution to the prolonged conflict between Israel and Palestine is a fraud and has been widely rejected by the internal… Read more
Non esiste un accordo del secolo

Non esiste un accordo del secolo

Il presunto "Accordo del secolo" presentato dal presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump come soluzione al prolungato conflitto tra Israele e Palestina è in realtà una truffa ed è stato ampiamente respinto… Read more
There is no Agreement between Palestine and Israel

There is no Agreement between Palestine and Israel

Instant Tech Market News BY IN2TOWN ON FEBRUARY 20, 2020 The supposed “Agreement of the Century” presented by the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, as a solution to the prolonged conflict between Israel and Pa… Read more
Morocco increases conflict with the Polisario Front

Morocco increases conflict with the Polisario Front

Headlineplus By headlineplus | 21st February 2020 Instant Tech Market News BY IN2TOWN ON FEBRUARY 2… Read more
La Palestina rompe l'accordo e considererà Israele responsabile dinanzi ai tribunali internazionali

La Palestina rompe l'accordo e considererà Israele responsabile dinanzi ai tribunali internazionali

La rottura degli accordi con Israele da parte del presidente dell'Autorità palestinese, Mahmoud Abbas, secondo il parere di diversi esperti di questo lungo conflitto, potrebbe essere una mossa del presidente della Palestina per responsabil… Read more
Palestina rompe acuerdo y responsabilizará a Israel frente a Tribunales internacionales

Palestina rompe acuerdo y responsabilizará a Israel frente a Tribunales internacionales

La ruptura de los acuerdos con Israel por parte del presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, podría ser una movida del presidente de Palestina para responsabilizar al estado sionista ante tribunales internacionales por todo lo que … Read more
Palestine breaks Agreement and blames Israel before International Courts

Palestine breaks Agreement and blames Israel before International Courts

 The rupture of the agreements with Israel by the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, could be a move by the president of Palestine to put the blame on the Zionist state before international  courts for everything that is… Read more